Fiche cheval can't stop now

R7C6plathandicap 28634geraldton australie1400M13859tabtouch same race multi handicap (1400 metres)12 partantsdépart à 08:55
Non-partants : 1
1secret deployH56p5p(22)0p9pbrayden gaerth/1
110traded crownH74p(22)9p0p9pkate witten/101:25
29hell raiderH65p2p(22)3p0pms l staples/11/2 l
36albertH56p5p2p(22)7pt turner/13/4 l
412not a wordH93p3p(22)3p4pc nicoll/11 l
58go go gracieF44p(22)1p8p7pms p edwards/1encolure
65peppi groveF68p1p(22)2p4pvictoria corver/11 l 3/4
711glass offF60p(22)5p8p8pms s altieri/1cte tete
84leroy the sepoyH5(22)9p7p8p1pms r forrest/11/2 l
92o'lara's princeH66p(22)0p2p6pjade mc naught/11 l 1/4
107can't stop nowH67p(22)7p(21)ms k cross/1tete
113scurgey boyH5(22)0p0p9p1pcassey martinan/114 l

R7C4plathandicap 52791geraldton australie1100M12394download the app now handicap (1100 metres)9 partantsdépart à 07:50
11savage oneH43p4p7p1p1pc johnston-porter/1
22warm 'n' fuzzyH41p4p4p1p7pjade mc naught/11 l 3/4
37aeroliteF55p5p2p3p0pp knuckey/11 l 3/4
43sly as a foxH52p2p2p5p3pkeshaw dhurun/11/2 l
58rebellionaireH79p9p4p(20)6pms k yuill/1cte tete
69balrantoF60p(20)8p8p8pb banovic-edwards/11 l 3/4
74the full quidF61p6p(20)0p0pchris graham/11/4 l
86uncanny timingH58p5p6p6pnatasha faithfull/13/4 l
95can't stop nowH48p4p9p1pvictoria corver/13 l 1/2

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